Tonar 5463 Precision stroboscope disk 30cm. Ideal for lovers of 78rpm records.
With this you can check and / or adjust the correct speed of your turntable. One side is for 50Hz and the other for 60Hz this disk has a scale for 8.33 / 16.66 / 33.33 / 45/70/72/73/75/76/78/80/81/83/85 / 87 & 90rpm.
Durable acrylic version in Tonar yellow. 8-1/3Rpm to 90rpm
16/33/45/78 Standard speeds & Speech recordings 16-2/3 & 8-1/3rpm
Nwo enjoy your records at the correct speed , pitch & tempo
at the start of the recording industry every record company recorded at there own speed , old Pathe phones even had a speed control
if your deck is fixed to 78rpm old shellacs sound odd because they are playing at either a too slow speed or to fast
& many famous records are out of tune as tape deck or cutting lathe running at the incorrect speed ( Kind of blue famous example )
if your deck has pitch & speed control
put record on at 78rpm and listen and adjust the speed until correct , replace record with strobe the read the speed a mark/take note on the cover
next time you want to play the record put the strobe on 1st adjust speed and pop the record on
at same time mark sise of stylus for best sound 0.7/1.0/2.0/2.5/3.0/4.0/5.0mil. stylus tips
The generally accepted tip radius for playback of 78 RPM records is 3.0 Mil (0,003 inch).
Due to the playback in the past of these very old records with very high stylus pressure or even
with steel needles a lot of damage has been caused to the grooves. This damage is
the cause of a lot of distortion and back-ground noise. Sometimes better results can
be achieved by playing the record either on a lower part or a higher part of the groove
which may have been damaged less than the average height. To play-back at a higher
level, use either the 3.5 mil, 4.0 mil. To playback at a lower groove level use either
the 2.0 mil, or 2.5 mil tip. When you have found the best height affix a sticker to the
record so you will know the next time which stylus tip to use for best results.
In the early days the 78rpm records were cut with a decent tolerance, each label had its own "standard". Only later were the real industry standard of 78 revolutions per minute agreed. Older mechanical 78rpm record players therefore often had a speed-fine control because many older bakelite and shellac plates turned too fast or too slow. With this stroboscope you can determine exactly the optimum rotational speed per plate, with a 78rpm record sounding good.
Note this speed on the cover and adjust it well before the record is listened to again. In short, this stroboscope is indispensable for the collector of shellac and bakelite 78rpm records