"The winning combination here is the use of a record treated with the [LAST] Preservative, tracked by a stylus treated with STYLAST. The combined enhancement of the two products on the sonic performance is quite desirable. And given that they are both purported to extend the life of both stylus and record, what's not to like?"
"Specifically, STYLAST, makes your disc sound much, much cleaner (less distorted), at all frequencies. There's much less of the fuzz and hash that we've all taken for granted as part and parcel of disc reproduction lo these many years...We hear greater and more lifelike dynamics, especially on transient attacks....Music's subtleties are rendered more individually, with better intertransient silence and more lucid revelation of inner detail. We hear hall ambience information much better, and this in turn enhances all aspects of imaging. In sum, every sonic parameter that you associate with good sound is improved by STYLAST...The long term economic dividends in extended cartridge lifetime alone make this product an instant winner. But, as with LAST Record Preservative, it's the sonic improvements you hear immediately that are the magic persuader. Once you hear it, you won't be able to live without STYLAST"
"There is no question though about LAST Record Preservative's ability to improve the sound of discs; as JGH described it, the sound becomes less mechanical and more like original tape--evidence enough that something did change when LAST was applied."
Protect and Preserve your Records for Long Life
Your new records can be completely protected from wear damage. Further damage to your previously played records can be stopped.
Shock-waves are the primary cause of record wear Dirt and friction exacerbate the problem. Even new, clean records are subject to shock-wave damage.
LAST's scientists have discovered how you can protect your records from the damage caused by shock-waves, dirt, and friction.
Four Steps You Can Take to Protect your Valuable Records from Wear
1. Clean the Record Surface
First Time Record Cleaning
The record manufacturing process leaves behind pressing residues and contaminants on the record surface.These sticky residues are tightly bound to the groove wall and attract and hold dirt and debris. Furthermore, they build up on the stylus as the stylus traverses the groove wall creating noise, distortion, and damage from wear. The usual water or water/alcohol mix record cleaner cannot remove these tightly bound contaminants and residues.
LAST Power Cleaner is a record cleaner specifically designed to remove pressing residues and contaminants left over from the manufacturing process. Just one cleaning with LAST Power Cleaner results in a record surface that is pristinely clean.
Maintenance Cleaning
Routine maintenance record cleaning prevents abrasion damage that is caused when dirt and debris that have collected on the on the record surface are dragged against the groove wall by the stylus.
LAST All Purpose Record Cleaner is is the most advanced everyday record cleaning solution avialable. It is an economical and highly effective way for general purpose cleaning operations.
Or use LAST Record Cleaning Machine (RCM) Fluid with vacuum operated record cleaning machines.
2. Preserve and Protect Against Shock-Wave Damage
Once you have a clean record, you can totally protect it from the effects of stylus-caused shock-wave damage by applyingLAST Record Preservative.
LAST Record Preservative chemically enhances the molecular stability, and therefore the cohesiveness of the groove surface so that it completely resists the effects of stylus shock waves. The 30-second treatment affects the vinyl to a depth of about ten molecular layers and becomes part of the grove wall. There are no surface residues that can be picked up by the stylus. In fact, overuse is harmless.
LAST Record Preservative has been universally applauded by the super-critical editors of audio publications. And numerous writers have made the point that LAST Record Preservative produces audible benefits far beyond its original purpose as a preservative. This can be accounted for by the fact that the groove surface integrity achieved by the preservative also provides an improved interface between the indenting stylus tip and the rapidly moving groove walls. According to the editor of International Audio Review, LAST Record Preservative provides an almost 10-dB reduction in high-frequency IM distortion as measured on a test record. Others have reported even greater improvements in overall fidelity from their preservative treated records.
A new record that is treated with LAST Record Preservative, kept clean, and not physically abused can be played a minimum of 200 times without discernible wear. A record treated today should be in pristine condition for future generations.
3. Clean Your Stylus to Protect Against Abrasion
A clean stylus protects your record from abrasion damage caused by dirt that has adhered to the stylus tip.
LAST Stylus Cleaner chemically cleans the stylus. It removes all accumulated deposits and particles. It is completely safe for all stylus and cartridge assemblies because it contains no alcohol or other components that can damage the stylus suspension.
Recommended stylus cleaning frequency: Clean the stylus after the end of playing a succession of records so that you start with a chemically clean stylus the next time you want to play records.
Also, clean your stylus anytime you see any visible debris or hear any playback distortion.
4. Increase Stylus and Record Life with Sylast Stylus Treatment
Stylast Stylus Treatment dramatically reduces the friction at the stylus/groove interface by reducing the surface free energy of the vinyl. Stylast uses the same thermodynamic principles that led to LAST Record Preservative resulting in:
Stylus life extension up to 10 times.
Reduced distortion and improved sonic performance
Increased stylus tracking ability
Increased stylus suspension life
Reduced record wear
Stylast is not a lubricant and leaves no residue. It is effective throughout the entire play of one side of an LP record. By following the directions, Stylast cannot be over-applied.
Recommended usage: Apply Stylast just prior to every play.
Causes of Record Wear
Shock-Waves--the Major Cause of Record Wear
The major cause of record wear/damage is "shock-wave fracturing" . A pressure wave is produced by the phono stylus (needle) as it passes through the record groove. Rapidly moving pressure waves radiate from the two areas of stylus contact on the groove wall. These pressure waves travel ahead of the stylus as it moves along the groove in the same way as a bow wave moves ahead of a boat.
When the pressure wave encounters a microcrack, flaws in the vinyl, or other surface imperfections, the energy builds up, forming a shock wave that can exceed the cohesive forces holding the surface together. When this happens, cracks occur in the vinyl and fragments can be blown off the groove wall. This kind of damage can occur on the very first play, and will increase exponentially as a function of both the number of plays and stylus loading.
Dirt is Still a Problem
Although a new record may look clean on the surface, it is not. Every new record has surface residues and record-pressing compounds left over from the manufacturing process.
From the moment a record is removed from its cover, dust particles in the air are electrostatically attracted to the record surface. Also, normal handling of records can add debris, fingerprint oils, salts and residues.
These surface contaminants are additional sources of wear. Dirt can be picked up by the leading edge of the stylus and dragged along, scraping a gouge in the groove wall. Alternately, the stylus can pound dirt into the vinyl where it becomes the center of a new shock-wave damage site.